HBS - Historic Brass Society
HBS stands for Historic Brass Society
Here you will find, what does HBS stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Historic Brass Society? Historic Brass Society can be abbreviated as HBS What does HBS stand for? HBS stands for Historic Brass Society. What does Historic Brass Society mean?Historic Brass Society is an expansion of HBS
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Alternative definitions of HBS
- Sickle haemoglobin
- Hospital Based Specialist
- Harvard
- Halifax Behavioral Services
- Hospital Bosque da Saúde
- Harvard Business School
- Halo Branded Solutions
View 97 other definitions of HBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HDDC Historic District Development Corporation
- HDCNYC Historic Districts Council of New York City
- HHTNYC Historic House Trust of New York City
- HHV Historic Hudson Valley
- HJWA Historic Jackson Ward Association
- HMF Historic Morristown Foundation
- HNT Historic Neighborhood Trust
- HNE Historic New England
- HRT Historic Richmond Town